What is Cancer

What is Cancer

Lothar Hirneise and myself (Klaus Pertl) are the founders and managing directors of the 3E-Center in Germany. In a serious of articles we will focus on a serious of important topics and questions relating to cancer and cancer treatments (read disclaimer at end of article) . 

Budwig Protocol

Budwig Protocol

What is it (how does it look like)? That is a typical questions we hear very often when it comes to alternative cancer treatments and in particular when it comes to the Oil Protein Diet. In this article I want to answer this question.

Budwig Center

Budwig Center

Lothar Hirneise (co-founder of the 3E-Center in Remshalden-Buoch – close to Stuttgart in South Germany) became a close friend and colleague of Dr. Johanna Budwig (1908-2003), who authorized him to promote and teach her anticancer protocol, which includes her famous mixture of flax oil, quark, and milk.

How To Reduce Confusion And Complexity About Cancer

In this episode Lothar Hirneise and Klaus Pertl are talking about how to reduce the confusion about cancer when it comes to mortality rate, response rate and survival rate. We hope you find this podcast useful and we would love to get your feedback.

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